1/6/2021 A Normal Day
English Version
Today is 1st June 2021. The first day of Movement Control Order 3.0(MCO) because the COVID-19 cases in Malaysia have been raised to 9000+ cases. Everyone is not allowed staying at outside except daily supplies shop, and hospital. Also, our government executes ‘eBelia’ plan. Every 18–20 years old Malaysian with their identifying card can join this plan and claim RM150.00. But I haven’t claimed it yet TAT.
My girlfriend gives me 3 days to think. Remember that I said I don’t know if I still loving her? I think I am in menstrual period. I did some research about it on Google. Men could also have menstrual period like women. We will feel lost, panic, helpless, tired. We would become a negative person. No matter how active and passionate at normal day, we would be changed to another person. I feel so sorry to hers because I didn’t control myself. Everyone should learn to control themselves or you could hurt people around that love you easily and it will become an unrecoverable pain.
I waste whole day on playing League of Legends. I don’t learn anything today and I am even mad when I was playing game. Maybe it’s because of menstrual period. Also, I lost my patience when I was talking to my family. My EQ became so bad. I feel so apology to them. I must learn to control myself. Goodnight.
‘Don’t let your mind control you.’
Chinese Version
今天是6月1日。今天是行动管制令的第一天,因为马来西亚的疫情已经提高到1天9000+宗。除了被批准的商店,如日常用品店和医院,全部人都不允许在外逗留。我国的政府也推出了’eBelia’计划。每位18–20岁的马来西亚公民都能拿到政府颁发的RM150。虽然我还没拿到 :(。