16/6/2021 — Wednesday
English Version
Today is 16 June 2021. The time is 09.20pm. I woke up at 09.00am today. I had 2 courses today and their names are the same, “Introduction To Networking” but one is lecture and another one is tutorial. The lecture’s professor is an Indian. His accent makes me difficult to understand the words he has spoken. The whole time of the course was spent on requesting to control the lecturer’s computer to register the ‘Cisco Netacad’ and I was so panic because the request system is first come first serve. I was so panic and worry because I couldn’t request it(too much people were requesting). I was too panic that I couldn’t focus on and pay attention on what he was saying. I just know he was introducing the module. Luckily that there is a recording of the course.
I didn’t workout today. I just took a bath and wrote this diary. I drank a coffee at afternoon. But I was still unable to concentrate on the classes maybe I had have tired. I spent 4 hours to study at the morning from 09.40am until 01.40pm. I rest for 20 minutes and joined the first course which will be started at 02.15pm. After 2 hours of registering, We joined the next course immediately at 04.15pm. I had already dead at that moment. The lecturer is a mandarin. He is so gentle and soft. I am not talking about his style or his attitude but also the way he used to speak. We had tired at that moment. After the course, our brain were screaming and we should have to take a nap. But, I drank coffee. This was so torment. Luckily, the lecturer spent 1 hour and left instead of spending 2 hours.
I joined the ‘Cyber Security’ of Whatsapp group which is created by students without lecturer. I feel less stress because if I had some questions, I could ask for their helps. I rest for 1 hour and had a dinner with my family. After washing the dishes, I watched Youtube videos for 1 hour long. Then, I took a bath.
So I will keep studying and watch the recording later. I will save it as a draft first and the time is 09.57pm.
I watched a recording of the first course. I realized that I have to replay and replay some sentences which is ambiguous for a few times. I will watch another video and keep studying or do revision. Goodnight ❤
Online learning will never replace the physical learning. I bet RM5.
Chinese Version
今天时6月16日。时间时候9时20分。我今天在早上9点起床。我今天已经上了2堂一样名字的课,叫网络入门。不过一堂是演讲,一堂是教学。第一堂的讲师是一位印度人。他的口音让我很难听明白他说的内容。一整堂课都在抢着用讲师的电脑来注册Cisco Netacad。因为那个系统是先到先得的。我很紧张因为不能抢到。也因为这样,我不能专心在他的内容上。我只知道他在介绍科目的内容。幸运的是有录制影片。
我加入了Cyber Security的群组。我感到安全感因为如果我有问题能够在里面寻求帮助。我休息1个小时后就和家人吃晚餐。清理碗盘后,我看1个小时的Youtube影片。然后洗了个澡。
🚩Long-term Goals(Very important)(MUST HIT EVERYDAY)(Start from 14/6/2021)
☒ Practice programming for 2 hours per day
☑ Write a story everyday