31/5/2021- My First Blog
English Version
Today is 31th May 2021. It could have been the orientation day of my university. Unfortunately, the orientation day and the courses have been delayed to 9th June 2021 because of the COVID-19. Also, I have to study with online learning. I was studying online last year, my last year at high school. I know the feelings, it is sucks.
I had a girlfriend, or maybe ‘have’? I broke up ‘temporarily’ with her. I ask her first. I don’t know if I still love hers or just the love bubble was broken, so I have to leave and think what should I do next. I asked her for leaving for 2 weeks, but she doesn’t reply me. I think she is upset. I saw her status showing ‘Active 2 hours ago’ when I woke up at 8.00 am, that’s mean I hurt her, she had been crying whole night. I am so guilt that I made her upset but I have no choice because I have to tell her the truth. We have been together 6 months 9 days, or 190 days. I like staying with her, and having good memories. I am so sorry to her.
I almost forget to introduce myself :( , my penname is Witson. I take Computer Science specialism with Cyber Security and intake on 9th June 2021. My hobbies are making music(but I don’t know about any music theory and any instrument), playing League of Legends, and learning anything that can earn money. I am 19 years old, Malaysian(Chinese in Malaysia). I start writing blogs because I want to improve my English :D.
I will introduce myself attentively in the future, please follow me :) ❤. Good night.
Yup, this is me. The only picture I have.
Chinese Version
我差点忘了介绍我自己,我的笔名叫Witson。我就读Asia Pacific University,并选择了Computer Science(Cyber Security)。我的爱好是写歌(虽然我一点乐理都不会,也不会任何乐器),玩英雄联盟,和学习任何能赚钱的东西。我19岁未满,土生土长马来西亚华人。我开始写部落格的原因是因为我想提升我的英文写作能力。